Charlton Heston as Robert Thorn in 1973 movie Soylent Green
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
Charlton Heston as Robert Thorn in 1973 movie Soylent Green
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
....for october 20 - november 16.. there is a new tract to be introduced, with the title "do you want to know the truth?".
it is not a "kingdom news" campaign - after the campaign, this tract will join the "regular rotation" of tracts to be used in the field misery.. it is designed to replace the "do you want to know more about the bible" tract - the goal is to use it to start "bible" studies.. the goal is to cover all of the congregation's territory in 4 weeks, similar to other campaigns in the past.
unlike other campaigns, though, the congregations can order as many as they would like - they are not limited to 50 per publisher.
per the letter to the BOE, all of this is strictly confidential
Thanks for the heads-up sir82! Also, I have a question.
Do these so-called "special" campaigns, such as this, normally have the "confidential" statement in the letter to the BOE?
At times I do let my insider info from this site out of the bag early enough. Even before the elders know about it. And from the vibes I get from them, they seem perplexed why I know before them. Even jealous.
But really, what can they do about it?Will the BOE be obligated to find out my sources or to inquire how I even know something confidential since I'm not an elder? I can alway say that an elder told me, but I can't tell who because that is also "confidential". Maybe this will make them start to lose trust from among themselves, thinking that info leaked from one of them.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
2 special pioneers i knew were at the assembly last year i wanted to know how they were since they have special pioneered for 20 years.
both got sick and have chronic fatigue.
they quit pioneering to rest and get better.
Recently a regular pioneer/MS relinquished his privileges. Juggling that along with his secular job was too much. What didn't help was that it seemed that he was just "used" by the elders. While being single and in his early 30's, the BOE assumed that he should/could do what was asked of him. No commendation or appreciation from the elders.
It seems that all too many JWs who are in the "elite" group are getting sick in one way or another at an accelerated rate. Sad.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
correction: this article was originally attributed to another visiting speaker (alltimejeff) in error..
As you say, this is recycled stuff.
Right you are!
Besides being cut and paste from prior Kingdom Ministries and magazines, this article (along with last week's) was given as talks during the Saturday morning symposium for the 2006 "Deliverance at Hand" District Conventions. Yes, rehash.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
a few years ago in my old hall, it was common to see brothers use props in their talks, whether it was a public talk or during one of the theo.
school talks.. now, noone uses props.. just one of the many things gone by the wayside that used to make talks more interesting..
The speaker at the public talk last Sunday used a prop. Albeit a small one, he did use one. I'd say about 5% of our public talks speakers uses props. Less than 1% uses props for the TMS/Service Meeting.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
i went to butlins, skegness this weekend on an 80's revival weekend.. playing there was toyah wilcox, who was good to begin with but her new stuff wasn't up to much.. on saturday night dr & the medics took to the stage who were absolutely brilliant.. but to top it off bad manners followed, all their ska hits!
took me right back to the early 80's, dancing and pogo'ing in the local youth club.
i have never seen such a large band enjoy their performance as much as buster bloodvessel and his crew!.
I've been a Bad Manners fan for over twenty years, though I never had a chance to see them live.
I read a few years ago that Buster Bloodvessel lost quite a bit of weight due to medical reasons.
Here is the first Bad Manners song that I remembering hearing from them. It got me hooked:
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
i like variety and different opinions and i don't see that in the jw's...... what can this lead to?.
Maybe it's a cultural thing, but the Japanese Jehovah's Witnesses are to BE alike in so many ways it boggles the mind. Any hint of being different or unique from the group is a sure call to be labeled as "independant" and on the threshold of Satan's domain.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
the person who sent it swears it's the best talk they've ever heard.
i can't say the same for me.. .
part 1- http://youtube.com/watch?v=p75dwugcdoa&feature=playlist&p=7a62b9bb15ebd361&index=0.
Though I didn't go through the talk in its entirety, I jumped from place to place on each part. Actually, I found it on the level of entertaining. The speaker that is.
That certainly made that public talk a little more tolerable considering the lack of real qualified seasoned speakers that are in the congregations now. Actually the speaker in the YouTube video had his material in his heart and spoke from it. You could tell. Quite unlike the many speakers now who are mechanical and textbook savvy on how they present their talks rather than letting the spirit flow from their lips.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
from the mouth of one of the special pioneers assigned tour congregation:.
at least 300 have been terminated from the us bethel branch in the first month of 2008, and she expects the number to increase.
paraphrasing other comments:.
proplog2, we know you'll be back. Whether you post or not, you'll still come here and at least read. I for one hope that you stay to post.
So, celebrate. I am not just leaving this thread. After almost 7 years I am leaving this board.
And yes, seven years ago you said the same thing.
Now, let's get back on topic.
Does anyone know if these layoffs are only occuring in NY? What about other Bethel branches worldwide?
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
just visited with my daughter and noticed a new paperback edition of the "revelation" book on her bookshelf.. i presume that this edition was updated for the current book studies?
anyone confirm this?
what were the differences?.
The new paperback Revelation book with the "2006 printing" notice inside the cover does have the changes in them.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)